Mastering Gua Sha: Daily Techniques, Best Oils & Care Tips | Expert Guide - Buddha Beauty Skincare

Mastering Gua Sha: Daily Techniques, Best Oils & Care Tips | Expert Guide

Welcome to the soothing world of Gua Sha, a traditional Chinese healing technique that has found a special place in modern skincare routines. At its core, Gua Sha involves the gentle scraping of a smooth-edged instrument across the skin. 

Discover how this ancient practice can not only boost circulation and improve skin elasticity but also help in reducing puffiness and softening fine lines. Embrace the holistic approach to beauty with Gua Sha, where every stroke is designed to make you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Follow along as we explore how to incorporate Gua Sha into your daily beauty routine, ensuring each session enhances your skin’s natural glow.

Brief History

The practice of Gua Sha originated in the rich tapestry of traditional Chinese medicine, dating back to ancient times. It was originally used to relieve heat, improve circulation, and heal muscle pain and stiffness. Over the centuries, Gua Sha has evolved from a medical treatment to a celebrated beauty ritual in modern skincare practices around the world. Today, it is admired for its simplicity and effectiveness, merging old wisdom with new beauty trends.

What is Gua Sha?

Gua Sha is a healing technique where a tool, usually made from stones like jade or quartz, is scraped across the skin to improve circulation and help with inflammation. This method is widely used in beauty routines that focus on natural and holistic approaches to skincare, making it a favourite in eco-conscious beauty circles. 

Gua Sha Benefits for Skin

Using Gua Sha can significantly enhance your skin health in several ways:

Boosting Circulation:

  • The gentle scraping action helps to boost blood flow, bringing fresh oxygen and nutrients to the skin layers.

 Enhancing Skin Elasticity:

  • Regular use of Gua Sha promotes increased elasticity, making the skin look more youthful and resilient.

Promoting Lymphatic Drainage:

  • This technique helps in draining lymphatic fluids and toxins from the skin, which can improve overall skin clarity and reduce swelling.

Reducing Puffiness and Fine Lines:

  • With its ability to stimulate the skin and relax the muscles, Gua Sha can reduce puffiness, especially around the eyes, and soften the appearance of fine lines.

Types of Gua Sha Tools

Let’s look at various Gua Sha tools, each uniquely crafted to enhance your skincare routine. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned enthusiast, understanding the different materials and shapes of Gua Sha tools can help you maximise their benefits for your skin.

Materials Used in Gua Sha Tools




Best for

Product Example


Natural, smooth, cooling

Improves circulation, soothing

Facial Gua Sha, everyday use

Jade Gua Sha by Buddha Beauty

Rose Quartz

Smooth, slightly textured, cooling

Enhances skin elasticity, promotes self-love

Reducing puffiness, facial massage

Rose Quartz Facial Roller & Gua Sha Set


Smooth, cooling, stress-relieving

Promotes relaxation, reduces inflammation

Stress relief, evening routines

Amethyst Gua Sha Tool (not listed but similar)

Stainless Steel

Durable, easy to clean, very smooth

Hypoallergenic, suitable for sensitive skin

Targeted muscle scraping, deep massage

Stainless Steel Gua Sha & Facial Roller Set

Shapes and Sizes of Gua Sha Tools



Specific Uses

Best for

Product Example


Broad curve with a pointed tip

Contouring facial features, targeting small areas

Cheekbones, jawline (contouring)

Rose Quartz Heart-Shaped Gua Sha


Large, smooth flat surface

Covering larger areas more efficiently

Forehead, neck (skin scraping)

Jade Flat Gua Sha (not listed but similar)


Serrated edge

Stimulating the scalp and promoting hair growth

Scalp massages, facial Gua Sha for texture improvement

Black & Chrome Facial Skin Roller Tool


Smooth, round edges

Gentle use on sensitive skin, less pressure needed

All over the face, especially for sensitive skin

Opal Cloud Gua Sha Tool


How To Use Gua Sha?

How to use Gua Sha? It's simple. Let’s unlock the full potential of Gua Sha in your skincare routine with our simple and effective guide. Whether you're new to this ancient beauty tool or looking to refine your technique, understanding the proper use of Gua Sha is key to achieving the best results. From choosing the right Gua Sha tool to mastering the strokes, every detail matters in this transformative practice.

Step 1: Prepare your skin

Preparing your skin correctly is essential before using your Gua Sha tool. Proper preparation ensures that you can fully reap the benefits of Gua Sha. Here’s how:

  1. Cleanse Your Skin: Start with a clean base by using a facial cleanser. This step is crucial to remove any impurities and provides a clean surface to work on, which is vital for the effectiveness of the Gua sha massage.
  2. Apply a Vegan-Friendly Oil or Serum: It's essential to lubricate the skin with a face oil or serum suitable for Gua Sha. This facilitates smooth movement of the Gua Sha stone across the skin, minimising any tugging and maximising the hydrating benefits. Our Buddha Beauty organic facial oils are perfect for this step and enhance the gua sha facial massage experience.

Step 2: How to use?

Proper technique is key to ensuring that your Gua Sha routine is both effective and relaxing:

  1. Hold the Tool Correctly: Your grip on the Gua Sha tool should be firm yet gentle to maintain control over the pressure and angle during the scraping massage.
  2. Use Gentle Strokes: Apply the tool in upward strokes to lift the skin, using the heart-shaped edge for areas like the jawline and under the eyes. The flat side is excellent for broader areas like the cheeks and forehead. This method helps in lymphatic drainage and enhances skin scraping benefits.
  3. Follow the Facial Contours: Adapt the strokes to follow the natural lines of your face and neck. This customised approach helps target specific areas like the double chin or areas requiring more focused muscle scraping.
  4. Include the Neck and Shoulders: Extend the gua sha routine beyond your face. Use the tool on your neck and shoulders to relieve tension, aligning with holistic Gua Sha benefits.

Step 3: Wait for Result

The results of Gua Sha can be seen over time, with regular use being crucial:

  1. Regular Sessions: Integrate Gua Sha into your daily skincare regimen. Morning sessions can help reduce puffiness (a noticeable effect in gua sha before and after comparisons), while evening sessions can help soothe and relax facial muscles.
  2. Session Length: Spend about 5-15 minutes per session. This duration allows for thorough coverage of all areas, ensuring that the skin is stimulated enough to show gua sha results, such as improved circulation and elasticity.
Regular use of Gua Sha not only enhances skin quality but also contributes to facial contouring and relaxation, making it a valuable addition to your beauty toolkit. Whether you’re looking to refine your jawline, soothe your skin, or simply indulge in a therapeutic ritual, incorporating Gua Sha into your routine with the right techniques and frequency can yield transformative results.We hope now you would know how to use a gua sha!

    Gua Sha in a Beauty Routine

    Integrating Gua Sha into your daily skincare routine is not only about enhancing your beauty regimen but also aligning it with ethical, vegan, and cruelty-free values. This traditional practice can transform your skin’s health and appearance, while ensuring you adhere to sustainable and humane practices.

    Integration Tips

    • Begin with the Basics: Before incorporating Gua Sha, understand what it entails and ensure your practice reflects your ethical values. Use vegan Gua Sha tools made from natural materials like jade or quartz.
    • Daily Routine: Incorporate Gua Sha into your morning or evening routine to enjoy its benefits throughout the day or as a relaxing end-of-day ritual. Regular use of Gua Sha enhances circulation and promotes lymphatic drainage, which are crucial for maintaining vibrant skin.
    • Combine with Other Practices: Gua Sha can be paired with other skincare techniques, like facial massage, using plant-based and cruelty-free facial oils to enhance the tool's glide and effectiveness.

    Product Pairings

    Here's a simple table that suggests vegan-friendly products to pair with your Gua Sha tool, along with tips on how to use them correctly:

    Product Type

    Product Example

    How to Use

    What to Avoid

    Gua Sha Tool

    Jade Gua Sha, Rose Quartz Gua Sha

    Use on clean skin with oil for 5-10 minutes daily.

    Don't use on dry skin without lubricant.

    Face Oils / Facial Oils

    Organic Face Oil

    Apply 3-5 drops before using Gua Sha.

    Avoid synthetic oils; choose organic.

    Facial Cleanser

    Gentle Facial Cleanser

    Use before Gua Sha to ensure clean skin.

    Don't use harsh cleansers that dry out skin.

    Face Moisturiser

    Vegan Moisturiser

    Apply after Gua Sha to hydrate and soothe skin.

    Avoid moisturisers with harsh chemicals.

    Final Tips

    • Frequency: Incorporate Gua Sha into your routine either in the morning to reduce puffiness or in the evening to relax muscles and prepare for a good night's sleep.
    • Maintenance: Clean your Gua Sha tool after each use to prevent buildup and maintain hygiene.
    • Sensitivity: If you have sensitive skin, start slowly to gauge how your skin reacts and adjust pressure accordingly.

    By following these simple steps and pairing your Gua Sha with complementary products from Buddha Beauty, you can significantly enhance your skincare routine, embracing both beauty and wellness in every stroke.

    Do’s and Don’ts of Gua Sha

    Whether you're aiming to improve circulation, reduce puffiness, or achieve a more sculpted facial contour, adhering to proven Gua Sha techniques and avoiding misconceptions can make all the difference. In this guide, we will explore key practices to embrace and mistakes to avoid, ensuring that each Gua Sha session is both safe and beneficial.

    Best Practices

    1. Gentle Pressure Is Key:

      • When using your Gua Sha tool, it's crucial to apply only light to moderate pressure. This allows the tool to stimulate facial gua sha benefits like increased circulation and lymphatic drainage without causing tissue damage or pain.
      • Gentle strokes help to enhance the natural lifting effect, making the Gua Sha facial massage not only soothing but also effective in achieving a radiant complexion.
    2. Follow the Natural Contours:

      • Properly using Gua Sha involves movements that align with the natural lines and contours of your face. This technique helps to efficiently move lymphatic fluids and reduce swelling.
      • Specific contours to focus on include the jawline, cheekbones, and eyebrows, which can benefit from upward and outward strokes to lift and firm the skin.
    3. Temperature Matters:

      • The temperature of your Gua Sha stone can enhance its effects. Cooling the stone in the refrigerator before use can help to further reduce puffiness and soothe inflamed skin, which is particularly beneficial for gua sha facial routines in the morning.

    Common Mistakes

    1. Excessive Pressure:

      • A common mistake is believing that harder pressure will yield faster or more pronounced results. In reality, applying too much pressure with a Gua Sha tool can lead to bruising, discomfort, and even broken capillaries.
      • Always ensure the face massage tool is used with a technique that feels comfortable and non-invasive.
    2. Using the Tool on Dry Skin:

      • You might wonder if does gua sha work. It works on dry skin but never start a Gua Sha routine on dry skin. This can cause friction and drag, leading to irritation and potential skin damage.
      • Before beginning, apply a liberal amount of facial oil for Gua Sha to ensure the tool glides smoothly. Oils not only protect the skin but also provide essential hydration and nutrients during the massage.
    3. Neglecting Hygiene:

      • Regular cleaning of your Gua Sha tool is essential to prevent the buildup of bacteria and skin oils, which can lead to breakouts.
      • After each use, wash the tool with a gentle soap and warm water, then dry it thoroughly to maintain its integrity and hygiene.

    Gua Sha for Different Skin Types

    Gua Sha isn't a one-size-fits-all remedy; it can be customised to suit various skin types and conditions, from sensitive to oily, and address issues like acne and rosacea. Understanding how to adjust your Gua Sha routine for your specific skin type not only enhances the benefits but also minimises any potential irritation or harm. 

    Personalization of Gua Sha by Skin Type

    Skin Type

    Tool Material


    Oil/Serum to Use

    Focus Areas




    Light, gentle strokes

    Nut Free Facial Oil 

    Cheeks, jawline; avoid inflamed areas

    2-3 times a week


    Rose Quartz

    Regular, sweeping strokes

    Jojoba or Grapeseed oil

    T-Zone, cheeks




    Slow, hydrating strokes

    Hyaluronic acid Serum

    Forehead, cheeks, neck

    3-4 times a week


    Stainless Steel

    Zone-specific strokes

    Combination of light and nourishing oils

    T-Zone (light oil), cheeks (richer oil)

    Varies by zone


    Smooth Jade

    Very gentle, avoiding active breakouts

    Salicylic Acid Serum

    Avoid active breakouts, focus on lymph areas

    As tolerated, gently


    Cold Jade

    Minimal pressure, cool tool

    Aloe vera-based gel (cooling)

    Avoid high friction areas

    2 times a week

    Safety Tips for Gua Sha

    1. Test the Pressure: Before applying Gua Sha to your face, test the pressure on the back of your hand. This helps ensure you don’t apply too much force, especially important for those with sensitive skin or skin conditions like rosacea.
    2. Always Use a Lubricant: Never use a Gua Sha tool on dry skin as it can cause irritation and drag the skin. Always apply a suitable facial serum or oil that provides enough slip for the tool to glide smoothly.
    3. Clean Your Tool: Always clean your Gua Sha stone after each use to prevent the buildup of bacteria. Use gentle soap and warm water, and dry it thoroughly.
    4. Watch for Skin Reactions: Especially if you have skin conditions like acne or rosacea, watch how your skin reacts after each session. Reduce frequency or adjust your technique if you notice any negative reactions.
    5. Cool the Tool for Inflamed Skin: For those with rosacea or inflamed skin, cooling the Gua Sha stone before use can help soothe and calm the skin, reducing redness and inflammation.

    Scientific Evidence Supporting Gua Sha

    1. Improved Microcirculation

    • A pilot study published in the National Institutes of Health's PubMed Central database investigated Gua Sha's effect on microcirculation, the blood flow in tiny vessels close to the skin surface]. The study, conducted on healthy subjects, employed laser Doppler imaging to measure microcirculation before and after Gua S4ha treatment. The findings were encouraging, revealing a significant increase in microcirculation lasting up to 25 minutes post-treatment. This suggests that Gua Sha may indeed enhance blood flow to the treated area, potentially explaining some of its purported benefits.

    Source: The effect of Gua Sha treatment on the microcirculation of surface tissue: a pilot study in healthy subjects PubMed Central

    1. Potential for Pain Relief

    • Several studies have explored the potential of Gua Sha for pain relief. A review published on Citruslabs, a provider of natural health information, highlighted research suggesting Gua Sha's possible effectiveness in reducing pain associated with conditions like neck pain and chronic neck myofascial pain. However, the review also emphasised the need for more rigorous research with larger sample sizes and control groups to confirm these findings definitively.

    Source: Is Gua Sha backed by Clinical trials? Citruslabs

    1. Additional Areas of Research

    While the evidence for improved microcirculation and pain relief is promising, Gua Sha research is ongoing. Some studies are exploring its potential effects on:

    • Skin health: Studies suggest Gua Sha may improve lymphatic drainage and reduce puffiness. However, more research is needed to confirm these benefits.

    Source: Healthline (

    • Muscle recovery: Some studies suggest Gua Sha may promote muscle recovery after exercise, but more research is needed.

    Source: International Journal of Sports Medicine (

    • National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH): This website from the National Institutes of Health provides a balanced overview of Gua Sha, including its history, uses, and potential benefits and risks. It also mentions ongoing research efforts. (
    • Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: This peer-reviewed journal publishes research on various alternative and complementary therapies, including Gua Sha. You can search their database for recent studies on Gua Sha's effects on specific conditions (

    Note: While these resources don't directly address the studies mentioned previously, they offer reputable information on the current state of Gua Sha research.

    Gua Sha for Wellness and Stress Relief

    Gua Sha has transcended its traditional use to become a holistic tool in modern wellness practices, noted for its benefits in skin health and its impressive impact on overall well-being and mental clarity. Here’s a closer look at how Gua Sha contributes to wellness and stress relief, explained in simple terms and integrating relevant keywords:

    Holistic Health Benefits

    Gua Sha does more than just rejuvenate your skin; it’s a powerful technique for enhancing overall wellness:

    • Reduces Physical Tension: The practise of Gua Sha, especially when applied as a body gua sha, helps release muscle tension and stiffness, which are common physical symptoms of stress.
    • Boosts Circulation: Using a gua sha tool with proper gua sha technique like scraping massage can improve blood flow and circulation, which not only nourishes the skin but also promotes faster healing and detoxification of the body.
    • Enhances Relaxation: Regular gua sha massage sessions help calm the nervous system, promoting a state of relaxation and reducing overall stress levels.

    Mental Health Benefits

    Incorporating Gua Sha into your self-care routine can have significant mental health advantages:

    • Promotes Relaxation: The gentle and rhythmic strokes of a Gua Sha facial or body massage provide a meditative experience, easing the mind from daily pressures and enhancing mental clarity.
    • Improves Sleep Quality: As stress levels decrease and body relaxation increases through regular Gua Sha use, many find their sleep quality improves, further supporting mental health.
    • Encourages Mindful Practice: The deliberate and thoughtful application of Gua Sha encourages mindfulness during self-care routines, fostering a moment-to-moment awareness that is beneficial for mental wellness.

    Side Effects & Risks of Gua Sha

    While Gua Sha is celebrated for its numerous benefits on skin and wellness, improper use can lead to side effects. Understanding these risks is crucial to ensure a safe and effective practice. Here are some key considerations:

    1. Skin Irritation and Bruising:

      • Incorrect Pressure: Applying too much pressure during a Gua Sha massage can cause bruising or irritation. It’s essential to use a gentle touch, especially when addressing sensitive areas like under the eyes or if you're using Gua Sha for a double chin reduction.
      • Sensitive Skin: Those with sensitive skin or conditions like rosacea should use lighter strokes and possibly a softer gua sha tool, such as jade or rose quartz, to minimise any potential irritation.
    2. Temporary Redness:

      • Normal Reaction: A common and temporary side effect of Gua Sha is skin redness, due to increased blood flow from the scraping massage technique. This should not be a concern unless the redness persists for more than a few hours.
      • Sign of Misuse: If redness or irritation persists, it may indicate that the gua sha technique was too harsh, or the skin was not adequately lubricated with a face oil or facial oil for Gua Sha.
    3. Breakouts:

      • Tool Cleanliness: Using a gua sha tool that hasn’t been properly cleaned can transfer bacteria to the face, potentially causing breakouts. Always clean your tool with soap and water after each use.
      • Overstimulation: Overusing gua sha on acne-prone areas can aggravate the skin. Ensure gentle use and consider consulting with a dermatologist if you use gua sha for face treatments on acne-prone skin.
    4. Worsening of Pre-existing Conditions:

      • Medical Considerations: Those with certain medical conditions such as blood disorders should be cautious. The muscle scraping action of gua sha might not be suitable for everyone and consulting with a healthcare provider is advised before starting.
      • Inflamed Skin: Avoid using gua sha on face areas that are inflamed or have active skin infections to prevent spreading or worsening the condition.

    Myths & Misconceptions about Gua Sha

    Gua Sha has been a part of traditional healing practices for centuries, known for its remarkable benefits in boosting circulation, enhancing skin health, and promoting overall wellness. However, as with many traditional therapies that gain popularity, certain myths and misconceptions about Gua Sha have emerged. These myths can often cloud the true effectiveness of the practice and create unrealistic expectations.

    Myth 1: Gua Sha Can Completely Eliminate Wrinkles

    • Fact: While Gua Sha is excellent for improving skin elasticity and increasing blood flow, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines, it does not completely eliminate wrinkles. Regular use can lead to healthier-looking skin and may make wrinkles less noticeable, but it is not a substitute for more intensive dermatological treatments.

    Myth 2: Gua Sha is Painful and Always Causes Bruising

    • Fact: If you're using the gua sha tool correctly with gentle pressure and proper technique, Gua Sha should not be painful or cause bruising. The technique is designed to be soothing and can be adjusted to suit individual pain thresholds and skin sensitivity.

    Myth 3: Gua Sha Results are Immediate

    • Fact: While many users report feeling more relaxed and notice a reduction in puffiness immediately after a Gua Sha session, the more significant benefits, such as increased firmness and clarity, generally require consistent use over time. Patience and regularity are key when incorporating Gua Sha into your skincare routine.

    Myth 4: Gua Sha Can Spread Acne

    • Fact: Using a Gua Sha stone over active acne can irritate the skin and potentially spread bacteria if not cleaned properly. However, when performed correctly—avoiding active blemishes and ensuring the tool is sanitised—Gua Sha can actually improve skin health without spreading acne.

    Myth 5: More Pressure Means Better Results

    • Fact: A common misconception is that applying more pressure during Gua Sha will yield better results. In fact, too much pressure can harm the skin, causing irritation or bruising. The key to effective Gua Sha is using a light touch and focusing on the proper facial massage techniques, not the force applied.

    Myth 6: Gua Sha Tools Are All the Same

    • Fact: Not all Gua Sha tools are created equal. The material of the tool—be it jade, quartz, or stainless steel—affects how the skin reacts to the treatment. Each material has different thermal conductivity and texture, so choosing the right Gua Sha stone for your skin type and concern is crucial.

    Where to Buy Vegan-Friendly Gua Sha Tools

    When searching for vegan-friendly Gua Sha tools, it's essential to choose products that align with ethical and sustainable practices. At Buddha Beauty, we offer a selection of high-quality Gua Sha tools and skincare products that meet these criteria.

    Recommendations for Choosing Gua Sha Tools:

    • Opt for materials like Clear Quartz or Jade which are naturally occurring and can be sourced sustainably. Our Clear Quartz Gua Sha and Jade Gua Sha are perfect examples, offering both beauty and functionality without harming the environment.
    • Consider the Stainless Steel Gua Sha & Facial Roller Set for a durable and recyclable option that stands the test of time and style.
    • If you're looking for something unique, the Opal Cloud Gua Sha Tool provides a distinct design while still adhering to vegan standards.

    Complementary Skincare Products:

    • Enhance your Gua Sha routine with our Face Oils or Facial Oils, specially formulated to reduce friction and increase the tool's effectiveness while nourishing the skin.
    • Our Face Moisturisers and Face Serums are designed to complement the Gua Sha experience, ensuring your skin remains hydrated and enriched.

    Ethical Considerations:

    Choosing ethically sourced products means supporting practices that are not only cruelty-free but also mindful of environmental and social impacts. At Buddha Beauty, we prioritise transparency and responsibility in sourcing and production to ensure that our products reflect our commitment to these values.

    By integrating these Gua Sha tools and skincare products into your routine, you not only enhance your skincare regimen but also support ethical and sustainable practices. For more details on each product and to make a purchase, explore our e-commerce store and the full range of options available to you.


    When to Use Gua Sha?

    Gua Sha can be incorporated into your daily skincare routine. It's especially beneficial when used in the morning to help reduce morning puffiness, or at night to relieve the tension of the day. Gua Sha is also great for improving skin circulation and promoting lymphatic drainage, which can give your skin a healthy glow.

    Is It OK to Use Gua Sha Every Day?

    Yes, it's perfectly fine to use Gua Sha daily. Using this facial massage tool every day can enhance its benefits, such as increased blood circulation and reduced tension in facial muscles. Just remember to be gentle to avoid skin irritation, especially if you have sensitive skin.

    Does Gua Sha Work Permanently?

    While Gua Sha offers numerous benefits, such as improved skin elasticity and reduced inflammation, these effects are not permanent. Regular use is essential to maintain these benefits. Think of Gua Sha as part of a healthy skincare routine—consistent effort is key to long-term results.

    What Oil to Use with Gua Sha?

    When performing a Gua Sha facial, it’s recommended to use a face oil for gua sha to help the tool glide smoothly over your skin, preventing any pulling or tugging. Oils like jojoba, squalane, or rosehip are excellent because they're light and absorb quickly into the skin. Choose a facial oil that suits your skin type to enhance the Gua Sha experience.

    How to Clean Gua Sha?

    Cleaning your Gua Sha tool is crucial to prevent the buildup of oils and bacteria. After each use, wash the tool with mild soap and warm water. Dry it thoroughly with a soft cloth before storing. This simple care routine will help keep your tool in good condition and ensure that each Gua Sha session is hygienic.

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